Unlocking Business Success with the Think-Plan-Do Rhythm

Unlocking Business Success with the Think-Plan-Do Rhythm

Unlocking Business Success with the Think-Plan-Do Rhythm

Mark Smith

Apr 10, 2024


Unlocking Business Success with the Think-Plan-Do Rhythm

In today's fast-paced business world, companies often struggle to find a balance between strategic thinking, effective planning, and successful execution. The key to achieving breakthrough results and accelerating growth lies in adopting a simple yet powerful method: the Think-Plan-Do Rhythm. In this blog post, we'll explore the insights shared by Patrick Thean, CEO of Rhythm Systems and author of the book "Rhythm: How to Achieve Breakthrough Execution and Accelerate Growth," and discover how this method can transform your organization.

The Think Rhythm: Embracing Strategic Thinking

The first step in the Think-Plan-Do Rhythm is the Think Rhythm. This rhythm emphasizes the importance of dedicating time to strategic thinking and working on the future of your business. In the hustle and bustle of daily operations, it's easy to get caught up in the present and neglect long-term planning. However, by setting aside dedicated time for strategic thinking, you can strengthen your company's foundation and pave the way for purposeful growth.

Patrick Thean recommends taking two days every 90 days to plan for the year or the next quarter. During this time, focus on developing winning moves – strategies that provide your company with a competitive edge and drive revenue growth. Michael Prager, CEO of Avid Exchange, a successful software-as-a-service company, attributes their consistent growth to a strong and regular Think Rhythm. By forcing themselves to stop and think, even when it seemed counterintuitive, they were able to identify the most critical opportunities and challenges.

To assess your ideas and identify winning moves, use the Winning Moves Chart. This tool helps you categorize your ideas based on their potential impact and feasibility. The best ideas, or winning moves, will float to the top right quadrant, while losing moves will fall into the bottom left quadrant. By focusing on the winning moves and eliminating losing moves, you can allocate your resources effectively and drive meaningful growth.

The Plan Rhythm: Aligning Teams through Execution Planning

The second step in the Think-Plan-Do Rhythm is the Plan Rhythm. This rhythm focuses on execution planning, ensuring that teams and individuals understand their roles and responsibilities in achieving the company's goals. Often, ambitious targets are achieved through superhuman effort, but this approach is unsustainable. Instead, aim to accomplish your goals through consistent, focused effort.

To align your departments and streamline information flow, engage in quarterly planning sessions. These sessions should be well-structured, with a clear agenda and active participation from all team members. Start by identifying your objectives, discussing ideas, debating solutions, and agreeing on the best plan of action. Incorporate both leading and lagging indicators to track progress and measure success.

Use a red-yellow-green system to define success criteria. Red represents failure, yellow is between red and green, green is success, and super green is your stretch goal. Embrace red as a gift – when people understand what failure looks like, it creates a sense of urgency to find solutions and drive themselves towards success.

The Do Rhythm: Executing Your Plan with Precision

The final step in the Think-Plan-Do Rhythm is the Do Rhythm. This rhythm focuses on the actual execution of your plan and getting the work done. While planning is essential, nothing happens until you take action.

Weekly adjustment meetings are crucial for reviewing dashboards, reflecting on past performance, and planning priorities for the week ahead. Encourage transparency and focus on solving problems rather than placing blame. Use the red-yellow-green system to evaluate key performance indicators (KPIs) objectively, creating a safe environment for team members to openly discuss challenges and opportunities.

Deadlines are non-negotiable – if you cross them, there should be consequences. Treat deadlines as sacred to maintain a sense of urgency and accountability. Additionally, look for bright spots – areas where your company is excelling. These bright spots can be replicated across the organization, multiplying their impact and driving significant value.

Always have a Plan B in place to navigate unexpected challenges and stay on track. By being prepared for contingencies, you can maintain forward momentum even when faced with setbacks.


The Think-Plan-Do Rhythm is a simple yet powerful method for achieving breakthrough execution and accelerating growth. By dedicating time to strategic thinking, aligning teams through execution planning, and executing with precision, companies can unlock their full potential and achieve sustained success.

Remember, the journey from good to great requires a consistent rhythm. Embrace the Think-Plan-Do method, and watch your organization thrive in today's competitive landscape. By making this rhythm a habit, you'll be well-equipped to tackle challenges, seize opportunities, and drive purposeful growth.

In today's fast-paced business world, companies often struggle to find a balance between strategic thinking, effective planning, and successful execution. The key to achieving breakthrough results and accelerating growth lies in adopting a simple yet powerful method: the Think-Plan-Do Rhythm. In this blog post, we'll explore the insights shared by Patrick Thean, CEO of Rhythm Systems and author of the book "Rhythm: How to Achieve Breakthrough Execution and Accelerate Growth," and discover how this method can transform your organization.

The Think Rhythm: Embracing Strategic Thinking

The first step in the Think-Plan-Do Rhythm is the Think Rhythm. This rhythm emphasizes the importance of dedicating time to strategic thinking and working on the future of your business. In the hustle and bustle of daily operations, it's easy to get caught up in the present and neglect long-term planning. However, by setting aside dedicated time for strategic thinking, you can strengthen your company's foundation and pave the way for purposeful growth.

Patrick Thean recommends taking two days every 90 days to plan for the year or the next quarter. During this time, focus on developing winning moves – strategies that provide your company with a competitive edge and drive revenue growth. Michael Prager, CEO of Avid Exchange, a successful software-as-a-service company, attributes their consistent growth to a strong and regular Think Rhythm. By forcing themselves to stop and think, even when it seemed counterintuitive, they were able to identify the most critical opportunities and challenges.

To assess your ideas and identify winning moves, use the Winning Moves Chart. This tool helps you categorize your ideas based on their potential impact and feasibility. The best ideas, or winning moves, will float to the top right quadrant, while losing moves will fall into the bottom left quadrant. By focusing on the winning moves and eliminating losing moves, you can allocate your resources effectively and drive meaningful growth.

The Plan Rhythm: Aligning Teams through Execution Planning

The second step in the Think-Plan-Do Rhythm is the Plan Rhythm. This rhythm focuses on execution planning, ensuring that teams and individuals understand their roles and responsibilities in achieving the company's goals. Often, ambitious targets are achieved through superhuman effort, but this approach is unsustainable. Instead, aim to accomplish your goals through consistent, focused effort.

To align your departments and streamline information flow, engage in quarterly planning sessions. These sessions should be well-structured, with a clear agenda and active participation from all team members. Start by identifying your objectives, discussing ideas, debating solutions, and agreeing on the best plan of action. Incorporate both leading and lagging indicators to track progress and measure success.

Use a red-yellow-green system to define success criteria. Red represents failure, yellow is between red and green, green is success, and super green is your stretch goal. Embrace red as a gift – when people understand what failure looks like, it creates a sense of urgency to find solutions and drive themselves towards success.

The Do Rhythm: Executing Your Plan with Precision

The final step in the Think-Plan-Do Rhythm is the Do Rhythm. This rhythm focuses on the actual execution of your plan and getting the work done. While planning is essential, nothing happens until you take action.

Weekly adjustment meetings are crucial for reviewing dashboards, reflecting on past performance, and planning priorities for the week ahead. Encourage transparency and focus on solving problems rather than placing blame. Use the red-yellow-green system to evaluate key performance indicators (KPIs) objectively, creating a safe environment for team members to openly discuss challenges and opportunities.

Deadlines are non-negotiable – if you cross them, there should be consequences. Treat deadlines as sacred to maintain a sense of urgency and accountability. Additionally, look for bright spots – areas where your company is excelling. These bright spots can be replicated across the organization, multiplying their impact and driving significant value.

Always have a Plan B in place to navigate unexpected challenges and stay on track. By being prepared for contingencies, you can maintain forward momentum even when faced with setbacks.


The Think-Plan-Do Rhythm is a simple yet powerful method for achieving breakthrough execution and accelerating growth. By dedicating time to strategic thinking, aligning teams through execution planning, and executing with precision, companies can unlock their full potential and achieve sustained success.

Remember, the journey from good to great requires a consistent rhythm. Embrace the Think-Plan-Do method, and watch your organization thrive in today's competitive landscape. By making this rhythm a habit, you'll be well-equipped to tackle challenges, seize opportunities, and drive purposeful growth.